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Happy Thanksgiving Young Jain Professionals!

Jai Jinendra and Happy Thanksgiving Young Jain Professionals!

Please support jivdaya and spread ahimsa in your community this Thanksgiving by donating to a local farm sanctuary or “adopting a turkey”. Every Thanksgiving, 45 million turkeys will be killed for food. Farm sanctuaries protect, feed, and provide medical care to farm animals. They rescue animals such as cows, pigs, sheep, goats, chicken, turkeys and rabbits that would have been killed for food; educate people and promote vegetarianism; and support laws that reduce animal suffering.

If you would like to help, please consider donating to or visiting local farm sanctuaries: 1. Go to and 2. Donate. You can send a check or donate online directly to the organization. $30 can benefit adoption programs to save turkeys from being eaten. 3. Donate in honor of birthdays or special occasions.

Compassion in Action is Jainism. A compassionate world begins with you!

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